Savvy Blogging Techniques

Blogging is now the number one method of keeping your name in front of your clients and prospects. It is personal and it allows your followers to get to know you better, based on your posts, to encourage them to want do business with you.

I spent two years testing and retesting blog formats, Widgets, Plugins and platforms before I discovered, “there is a formula to get your blog to a top level ranking”. I have 28 blogs and all of them are in the top 1% of all websites in the world, and in 4 weeks, yours can be too!

But that is only the beginning, you need to learn how to attract traffic consistently, have offers your followers will want to purchase and establish your unquestionable expertise.

If you would like to expand your client base beyond your wildest imagination, don’t miss out on this unique technique of attracting new clients. You can learn how to set up your blog, from A to Z and gain the visibility you deserve in just a few weeks! And if it’s not to your level of comfort to set up the original design, there are people who will do it for you for less than you charge for an hour of your time.

You will spend very little time learning each and every step it takes to make your blog live, effective as well as generating high volumes of traffic. Imagine having your website in the top 1% of all websites in the world! It makes sense, how getting in the top page results of search engines will gain you more clients to your site. Some of the areas you will apply include:

  • Appearance – which style to use
  • How to design pages
  • Which Widgets & Plugins you’ll want to add & how to install them
  • How often and how to add posts
  • How to add audio
  • How to add video
  • How to get back links that really count
  • How to generate volumes of traffic
  • What you need to create a call to action

Keeping your blog up will take less than an hour a week and you will see results from your efforts in a few short weeks. You will be able to sell your books, get speaking engagements, radio interviews and develop relationships with other authors who will help you increase your database through your joint venture efforts.

You might even want to guest blog on other author’s sites and ask they reciprocate. You’ll both gain from having backlinks to your sites. One of the techniques which is extremely effective is recording your blog post to an audio file and posting it on podcast sites. This will allow your follower to listen to your posts and help you gain additional traffic from a new audience.