CIP 1-26 – Book Marketing Campaign

This is where the magic happens. Your BMT (technician) will gather authors names, websites and contact information for you.

So when it comes time to launch your book, the ideal is to have 50 authors and a cumulative 250,000 emails that will sent out during the year. Typically 10% will buy your book when recommended by an author they trust, but if 1% buy, that will be 2,500 books from this one activity. Keep in mind only 1% of authors sell more than 5,000 books during the life time of their book.

You will follow up with the authors from their efforts to ensure the maximum number of emails going out on your designated date, so here’s the routine that I developed. BMP

• Check List

  • Call Merchant services to make them aware of the campaign
  • Test all links
  • Test payment by having a friend buy a book
  • Create Email folders in your Outlook or other service and individual folders under that to keep material accessible
  • Make a database of author’s emails
  • Email Authors 24 hours prior to campaign
  • Call Authors and get verbal confirmation they are ready for the campaign

    • Launch Book Marketing Campaign within 6 weeks of beginning writing your book

    Campaign Date  _______

    This is what will make or break an authors success. CIP concept will help you launch your Book Marketing Campaign so that you can sell more books in less time than any other program.

    • Strategies for Best Seller Campaign

    One of the interviews I listened to suggested that it took multiple steps to create a successful book marketing campaign. Here’s a great list of what it took for Mark Joyner to hit the New York Times best seller’s list.
    Mark Joyner’s New York Best Seller’s Idea

    One of the best task for Virtual Assistants is to have them coordinate your Book Marketing Campaign.

    Compensate them $1 per book that is sold which will be from 10 to 1,000 during each campaign. The campaign details are covered later.

    • Repeat Book Marketing Campaign according to your request

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