Preparing for an Interview

Top Items to Check Before an Interview

1. Write out your show topic – what’s your hook
2. Set up a toll free number
3. Make sure your website is up to date
a. One Sheet
b. Contact information
c. Audio clip
d. Testimonials
4. Your merchant account is set up to take orders from the results of the show
5. Hire an answering service
6. List your credentials, degrees, experience, what makes you an expert
7. Set up interview time to be on a land line only
8. Call recorder (Radio Shack $35) to record the interview. You’ll want to review it to know what works and what didn’t
9. Current database to call
10. Press Kit: Physical in print and an electronic version on line
a. Make sure it stands out – color, picture, graphics, headlines
b. Hand address on envelope
i. Label “Requested Material Enclosed”
ii. Front cover of the book
1. use Super 77 adhesive
11. Inside:
a. Left Side:
i. Press Release: (this is different layout for radio)
1. Top left “Available for Interview
2. Headline
3. Sub Headline
4. 3 columns with pictures, boxes, colors, graphics
5. Bullet and box teaser points
6. Very bottom: How much is the book and how to get it
i. 10-15 Questions and Answers with the length of time scheduled for each
ii. Create Controversy
iii. Cartoons
b. Right Side:
i. Letters of Recommendation (get from previous producers)
ii. Clippings (even if they are of others as long as they relate)
1. Search on line for articles
2. Search topics Library Readers Guide to Periodic Literature
12. Call the Producer, not the Host
a. Only call after their aired time slot
b. Log all calls
c. Keep pitch short (under 30”)
d. Don’t expect a call back; you call back in 2 days and talk with the operator “I just got Bob’s voice mail, would you mind paging him?”
e. When they ask you when you are available for an interview make sure you know what their time zone is and give a time that is within the commute times. Always check for Daylight Savings Times adjustments – Create a time zone chart if you need one
f. If they suggest a taped show, come up with a reason why they want a live interview “I’m sure that you want your guests to call in to get more of a reaction to your show, I’ve found that audiences usually have a lot of questions.” You’ll sell more books on a live show.
g. Get their hotline number, not the call in number, just in case an emergency comes up and you can’t make the call.