Reach Millions

Reach An Audience of Millions

by Sharyn Abbott

Do you know the secret to getting your information seen over and over again without spending a penny? This method is used by Internet marketers to help drive traffic to their website and sell their products and services, promote their affiliate programs or simply attract readers to their newsletters.

It is a simple secret. It requires very little effort and time from you, yet the rewards can far exceed your effort.

This method of advertising give you free promotion that could have cost you thousands of dollars otherwise, but more importantly, it develops your reputation as an expert in your field and builds credibility.

Developing your expertise in your industry is a powerful selling tool. People begin to know, like, respect you and admire your expertise. It will make selling your products or services a breeze because people will already trust you.

Do you want to know what the secret is?

The secret that I am writing about is simply writing articles on a topic which will support your business and submitting it to ezine (electronic magazine) publishers who will publish it in their ezines. Ezine publishers are always looking for new material to publish in their ezines. With more than 100,000 ezines on the Internet,  you will not have trouble finding ezine publishers who will publish your article.

You will benefit by adding your signature file to the bottom of the article. A signature file is usually around 3 or 4 lines and includes your name, website and what is helpful is to offer a free ebook or audio file to entice them to go to your site.

You can potentially have millions of people view your signature file for free. You do not have to be a gifted writer to create an article. All you have to do is outline a concept and take about an hour to write the article.

For example, if you are writing an article about weight loss programs, do some research on the Internet and find which methods are mentioned. Then develop your article using the results to write a quality article.

Thousands of people are always looking for new information on a nearly every topic you could imagine. You can save them many hours of fruitless searches by writing on the topics that interest them.

Articles usually are anywhere from 250 to 1000 words. You won’t want to write longer articles because people appreciate information in shorter bits. You can easily write an effective article with the main points in less than 1000 words.