CIP 1-1 Introduction

Congratulations, you are about to begin an exciting and amazing journey . . . You are about to be a published author!

Welcome to the best Book Marketing Campaign Program available for authors. I’ve done a tremendous amount of research and development to put this program together. Primarily, I want to make sure you have the tools and resources available that will ensure your success.

Remember, this is a self paced program! Don’t get overwhelmed, you’ll only be doing as much as you’re ready to do at any one time.

Here’s a few of the priority action steps you’ll want to focus on to get started right away. The steps are included later in the program to help you understand the exact details:

My cell phone is 510 467-3402 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              510 467-3402      end_of_the_skype_highlighting call when you aren’t able to find information you need. Sign up for and find Sharyn Abbott begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting in San Ramon. I prefer using their Instant Messenger. When you know I’m travelling use Sharyn Abbott in Walnut Creek.

* Obtain your ISBN numbers
* Set up your Blog
* Register your website on Search Engines
* Set up your Twitter account
* Set up your Facebook account
* Set up your MySpace account
* Set up your YouTube account
* Set up your elance account
* Be sure that you have an Inclusion letter for everyone mentioned in your book

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