CIP 1-22 – Media Training

I will set up an interview time for you so you’ll have the experience of being interviewed and have an interview to post to your website or blog.

You’ll want to create 12-15 questions that the answer will lead to why someone will buy your book. I’ll help you with the structure and give you the copy of the mp3 file for your website

You will also want to post your Questions and Answers online for the Talk Show Hosts as well as the Hook used for the promotion of the programs where you will be interviewed.

Your interview will also be placed on the BookYourGuests (BYG) website once you have submitted your  Questions and Answers and your Tag/hook line.

I made a separate web page for my interviews

Here’s a check list for your interviews:

1. Listen to the show prior to the interview whenever possible.

2. Write your host name out and the name of the name of their show. It helps to know where the show is being broadcast.

3. Print out your list of questions and your answers just in case!

4. Write out the questions as the host asks, it’s easy to wander!

5.Remember to smile and laugh where appropriate. Think about talking to your best friend about your passion!

6. Turn your cell phone off and disable call waiting

Steve Harrison’s Publicity Summit
You might have to search Steve’s Publicity Summit if the link is broken, I believe he creates a new website for each summit.

Annie Jennings PR
Annie is in New Jersey and has helped many of my authors get bookings on mainstream radio and TV programs.

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