Book Marketing

Book Signings are one of the first stops when new authors finally have their book in their hands. In truth, books signings should be scheduled for only two reasons. You want to announce to all those who know you “I AM an author!” and you want to bask in their admiration of the amazing accomplishment you have achieved.
The second reason to have a book signing is to capture media attention. One of the tactics I use with my authors is to find a well known bookstore and ask if they will sponsor the book signing event. I also mention that we will be on local TV, radio and mentioned in the local papers which will bring the bookstore extra foot traffic. This is always a bonus to them.
The reasoning behind book signings is to gain the media attention. The more the better, the more often the better.
I know most authors droll over shelf space in bookstores, but in reality, bookstores are nothing more than libraries that allow you to take books home and never bring them back. The sad reality is that more people bring books back (23% according to every year. They can be earmarked, have writing in the margins and missing pages and as long as the consumer has a receipt, the books store is generally likely to give the consumer a refund.
However, author’s marketing has taken a turn for the positive during the past two years. We now have access to several resources such as websites like Amazon, Facebook, Self-Growth and Goodreads just to name just a few, where authors congregate. You can enlist their help in cross promoting each other’s books through an email marketing campaign. It’s very effective.
Another strategy is to interview other authors in your genre. They send a notice to their database proudly proclaiming the interview date and the details in which their loyal audience may listen for free! Yes, free!
The benefit for you as an author is you’ll be able to capture the other author’s database! It comes back to the more people who know who you are, the more sales you’ll make.
One of my favorite marketing tactics is speaking. I will speak to any size audience and sell an average of 25% either books, CD’s or previous recorded teleseminars. Each time you speak, you will want to record the presentation. Every author you interview you’ll record the call. Every teleseminar you conduct, you’ll have another product. Every product you have leads to more sales.
I’ve also managed to create a series of workshops based on my books for organizations and churches. I offer them 50% of the proceeds. They do all of the promotions, I show up and create a new audience of those interested in my topics.
You’d also be amazed at how easy it is to be booked on talk radio programs. I will typically have four interviews a month and sell between 25 and 100 books each interview.
Any author who spends ten to fifteen hours a week marketing their book will realize better than a full time income within a few short months. It takes a plan and then the discipline to follow through with the plan consistently.
Please feel free let me know if you have any questions.

3 thoughts on “Book Marketing”

  1. I would like to know what you are referring to. No need to defend your position, but I’m sure publishers would disagree with me on many points but then they are making 200% more than authors as do bookstores! Anyway, hard to know what you’re talking about.

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