
Most of the authors I know have converted their websites to blogs because of the built in SEO, MetaTags and Search Engine Rankings. Or they’ve add a blog to their Internet presence.

It is important to know what makes a blog more highly ranked and the term “Backlinks” refers to having the hyperlink (URL or website name) mentioned on another site, whether it is a blog or a website. The lower number ranked (I recommend installing the AlexaToolbar to keep track of your ranking), the more popular your site is with the search engines (the three most important being Alexa, Google and ahoo).

I’ve had many clients ask me about the Automated Services that offer posting backlinks on thousands of websites since it is one of the ways the site is evaluated, but the Automated Services will hinder your progress or eliminate you all together from the Search Engines recognition.

So, even though it might appear a great time saver and a shortcut, avoid auto submission services and follow a simple routine using a service such as to post you update notices to the most popular sites such as Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter. That will give you ample exposure as long as you do it ever week.

You can also trade links with other blogs or sites as long as they relate to your topic.

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