Cost Per Acquisition – CPA

Very few authors use Cost Per Acquisition services or even know they exist. They have been available for years through Internet Marketing firms for those who have products that appeal to the general masses through email marketing campaigns.

But CPA firms have opened up their services to individuals who have unique products especially if the price point is more advantageous.

The way it works is you develop a proven track record through Affiliate (other’s selling your products to their databases) and then you approach the CPA firms. They will send your product announcement out to their database, which is typically made up of millions of names.

Why this is good news for you as an author is you don’t have to pay anything for the service until product has been sold. The average rate is 50%, but even if your product has a manufacturing cost of 25% of the product price, you will be able to realize immediate cash flow.

Imagine their database is 30 million, (which is small for a CPA service) and you sell .1% and your 25% is $20, you will end up with an amazing pay day of $600,000. That’s not a bad return, especially when you didn’t have to pay anything up front for their services.

The top five most popular CPA firms are:

  1. Commission Junction – Huge Market Share, Many Advertisers to choose from.
  2. Linkshare – Also has huge market share and many advertisers to choose from
  3. ShareASale – Much smaller network, great customer service. Up and coming. Less competition can make for great CPA
  4. NeverBlue – Smaller Niche CPA network. Great payouts and great potentional income
  5. Google Affiliate Network
  6. Hydramedia
  7. BizOpNetwork
  8. ModernClick
  9. CPAempire
  10. EpicDirectNetwork

We are pretty sure you have heard of this company. Originally named ConnectCommerce, Google bought them and is doing some amazing things

You can find out more information about the logistics by subscribing to several newsletters from CPA firms:

Digital Moses